Your Questions: How Do I DJ A Halloween Party?

Christian Yates
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 24 March, 2018

Digital DJ Tips reader Ant emailed in, asking: “Please help! My first DJ gig is for a Halloween party that is coming up. With Halloween music being so varied, I don’t know what to play and how to perform. What should I do?

Digital DJ Tips says…

First of all, congratulations on your first gig! As far as performance goes, it is no different to any other set that you will have played at home. The only potential difference is if you decide to wear a costume (definitely do it!). Being in costume might actually help you calm those nerves. It’s likely that most of your nerves are not arising from the fact that it’s a Halloween party but that it’s your first gig. Don’t sweat it, you have put a lot of work in to get to this point. Trust your abilities.

As far as the music goes, just play your usual stuff and if you can squeeze in a few tracks with a spooky and otherworldly undertone, you will be onto a winner. You are right about “Halloween music” being varied and that actually should make things easier for you because there are more tracks available from many different genres. A few Halloweens ago, we ran an article: “Our Top Ten Halloween Tunes For DJs“, there are plenty of suggestions and tips for you to fill your boots with there.

Good luck with your gig and be sure to check back and let us know how you got on, we’re rooting for you.

Have you ever DJed a Halloween party? Did you wear a costume for it? Which tracks went down best? Let us know in the comments below…


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