Your Questions: Is There A Music Site That Knows My Mood?

Phil Morse | Founder & Tutor
Read time: 2 mins
Last updated 27 November, 2017

Nathan wants sites that can help him to discover music for his DJ sets according to his mood. Do you have a music discovery site that you use in this way? Pic: Inspiration Feed
Nathan wants sites that can help him to discover music for his DJ sets according to his mood. Do you have a music discovery site that you use in this way? Pic: Inspiration Feed

Reader Nathan writes: “So there are a million streaming services out there, seemingly it’s big business. What I want to know is, are you aware of a site which you can select music by a mood group? To help clarify let’s use ‘singy’ as an example – the definition of ‘singy’ being those tracks you can’t help but sing along too! I basically want to go to a site, enter some basic details like overarching genre (indie or dance), choose a date range for age and other info like this plus my mood group and that’s it.”

“Oh and I want to listen to all the good tracks not just the popular ones, I want the lost gems too. Is there anything out there that can do this?

Digital DJ Tips says:

Yes and no, to be honest. I don’t know of any site that can do what you say as you say it, but there are loads of ways of finding music to suit your mood, at least in a similar way to the way you describe. Many of the music streaming sites have “artist radio” where you enter an artist and it’ll play you music like that – Pandora has majored on that for a long time, and has a similar feature, to name just two. One of my absolute favourite ways of discovering music in a certain style is to use a site like 8tracks, where the playlists are compiled by real people, with titles exactly like you suggest: “Female vocalists who have got that somethin'”, “Songs that make you want sing to your hairbrush” etc.

Another method I’m getting a lot of traction out of at the moment is using ShareMyPlaylists to find similar playlists to those I just highlighted from 8tracks, but this time they are Spotify lists. Click one you like and subscribe to it and you’ve got it in Spotify to analyse. You can then look for similar artists (using Spotify’s own take on “similar artist radio”), look at other playlists compiled by the person who compiled the one that took your fancy in the first place, or just explore further music by any of the artists you like that you discover through doing this – instantly.

I hope these ideas help!

Do you know of any services that offer something similar to what Nathan is asking? Please let us know how you match music and mood by adding your methods in the comments below.

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