Virtual DJ Improves Real-Time Stems In Latest Beta

Phil Morse | Founder & Tutor
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 1 August, 2022

Virtual DJ has improved the audio quality of its real-time stems mixing feature, and added new controls to let DJs alter how the vocal and instrumental stems sound.

The new functions are available in the public beta of Virtual DJ 2021, which has just been announced, and allow the DJ to increase or decrease the amount of “bleed” between the instrumental and the vocal stems, to suit the track and the purpose for which the DJ wants to use the extracted or remaining song sections.

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What does it sound like?

We took a quick look and made the video above, but the short of it is that overall the real-time stems audio sounds better than it did before, and that the “bleed” controls are pretty awesome: Using the bleed percentage function feels like getting a bit of manual control on a previously totally automatic camera – very welcome, in other words.

Do take a look at our video and let us know what you think – and you can download the public beta and try it for yourself here:

Mac version | Windows version | More info from Virtual DJ

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