[Video] Musikmesse/PLS 2015: American DJ 5P/12P Hex & Dotz Par 100

Phil Morse | Founder & Tutor
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 7 August, 2017

American DJ was showing two smart new hex LED and a single LED unit that blows the type of lighting from yesteryear that it emulates right out of the water…

Here at Musikmesse 2015 (or technically, this part is in the sister Pro Light & Sound Show), we saw these three new LED units from American DJ that offer the kind of features, flexibility and power (plus great price/function ratio) unheard of in the old days before LED. Take a look in this video…

Video talkthrough

Are you excited to see the developments in LED lighting, especially the “single LED” style? Would you consider adding any of these to your lighting set-up? Let us know in the comments…

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