Sketch Out Melodies With Odesi’s Magic Record Feature

Joey Santos
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 21 February, 2024

Odesi, the music sketchpad app from Mixed In Key popular among DJ/producers, now comes with a feature called “Magic Record”. The idea is that while you jam a melodic idea (a lead, bassline, or even a chord), Magic Record keeps track of the notes that were played. Once you’ve come up with a melody or chord progression that you’d like to keep, Magic Record lets you “commit” it to your project.

We’re proponents of this music production process – we call it “Melodic Sketching”, and the idea is to come up with a short melody that can be used as a lead or bass track on top of a chord progression. Your focus in Melodic Sketching is to create a solid melody and chord progression, which you then save for fleshing out later when you go about doing your actual production – Odesi’s Magic Record feature is great for this.

Having a bank of saved melodies means that you’ll have a cache of ideas to pull from, which makes you less likely to face an empty DAW screen in your next production session.

Check out the promo video below.

Promo Video

• Odesi is available for US$49. Check the Odesi site for more details.

Do you produce your own music? How do you come up with ideas for melodies and chord progression? Have you tried using Odesi? Why or why not? Share your thoughts below.

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