Rane Sixty-Four Mixer For Serato DJ Shows High-End Intent

Phil Morse | Founder & Tutor
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 9 November, 2017

The Rane Sixty-Four looks to be a replacement for the Rane Sixty-Eight, with Serato DJ compatibility out of the box.

Anyone who may have thought, upon hearing the news today about Serato DJ 1.5, that this new integrated approach could be “dumbing down” of some kind, need look no further than the new Rane Sixty-Four mixer. One of three new pieces of Serato DJ DVS compatible hardware announced today, this beast of a mixer appears to take off from where the Rane Sixty-Eight left off, packing a wealth of high-end features to match its pro price point and intent, with dual USBs for two laptops and two custom Midi layers among its features.

While many will cite the new Pioneer DDJ-SP1 and the Pioneer DJM-900SRT as being the biggest news accompanying the Serato DJ 1.5 announcement, for some DJs who are used to Serato Scratch Live and a Rane mixer, this new hardware may just be the sweetener that sways them on a day of what they may feel is mixed news for their platform.

• The Rane Sixty-Four will be available from October 2013. For more information, visit the Serato website.

Is this a good move for Rane and Serato? What do you think of the new mixer from the hi-res screenshot above? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

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