Make Your Own DJ/Producer iOS Studio With KRFT

Christian Yates
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 24 March, 2018

KRFT is an app that lets you build your own studio using built-in instruments and synths, and it works both standalone and with your DAW.

KRFT is an iOS app that lets you make your own touch-based synth and controller studio. It does this by acting as a blank canvas, allowing you to choose from the different virtual instruments and controllers it ships with to build your set-up. It can be used standalone or with digital audio workstations (DAWs) like Ableton Live, as well as any Midi-capable software or hardware.

You build your workspace from objects called “cells” within the app, and each cell has a different behaviour. It also comes with music loops for sketching out your production. These sounds and cells can then be triggered and controlled on the fly.

Furthermore, KRFT supports Ableton Link for synchronisation and beat matching. You can also record out your performance into a DAW as either audio or Midi data.

It looks like an interesting piece of software – you’re basically able to create a set of controls that suit your production workflow. You can even perform with just the app, and of course its Ableton Link compatibility is an added plus because that means you can use it to launch clips and play with synths within Ableton Live. Watch out for our review of it soon.

• KRFT is for US$14 from the App Store. Find out more about the app on the Studio Amplify website.

Is KRFT something that interests you? Do you often combine your tablet and DAW? Let us know in the comments below…

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