Is It A Minimal Watch? No, It’s A Subwoofer Called Basslet

Phil Morse | Founder & Tutor
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 5 April, 2018

It doesn’t have GPS, it doesn’t even have any digits… but it does fool you into thinking you’re in a club. Intrigued? Read on…

This is something we immediately dismissed as ridiculous. It is a tiny wrist-worn device that fools your body into thinking the thing is, in fact, a subwoofer. Nah, we thought. But then things start to pile up. A good friend leaves an established music company to join the company that makes this. Another CEO of an equally large music company shows me one excitedly, saying “you gotta try it”. I am suddenly intrigued.

And now you can try it too. It’s called Basslet, and by the powers of Bluetooth, it listens to whatever you’ve got going on in your headphones, and using a small vibrating unit built into its black plastic body, it taps that bass frequency out physically on your wrist, a bit like the haptic feedback on an Apple watch, or the vibrate in your phone. And apparently, this fools your body into thinking you are in the presence of earth-shattering bass.

Yeah, yeah you’re thinking – sounds rubbish. As I say, the evidence is piling up that some mind trickery is indeed going on here. Lots of otherwise sane people are saying interesting things about it. Anyway, it is on sale from the maker’s website, and we have one here too, so we’ll be reviewing it shortly. (Note: Currently for US, Canada and UK residents only.)

So, have you heard about this already? What do you think? If/when you get one, we’d also love you to give us your thoughts. Our review is coming soon…

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