DJ Tips & Tricks: Never Forget A Song Request Ever Again

Joey Santos
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 7 January, 2019

If you play gigs where you get requests, chances are you’ve lost track of song requests at one point or another. That’s generally fine (just keep your crowd dancing and they’ll forgive you) but if you’re a wedding or mobile DJ and you play events where requests are a high priority (eg requests from the bride and groom), losing track of song requests just leaves a bad impression. Worse, your forgetfulness could damage your reputation in the professional DJ industry leading to fewer bookings down the line.

Believe me, I’ve been there – that’s why I developed this simple system for keeping track of requests. It has yet to fail me – and I played over 10 functions and weddings in the past few months.

Watch this video on YouTube.

What’s your method for keeping track of requests at a wedding or an important function? Share it with us below.

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