Video Masterclass: Sync & Master Clock In Traktor

Peter Morgan
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 27 November, 2017

Traktor sync
Master the ins and outs of synching in Traktor: Today’s video shows you how.

Ever wondered what’s going on behind the scenes when you click “sync” in Traktor? What “master clock” and “auto” mean? Maybe you’re curious how DJs sync Traktor with external programs like Ableton Live or Maschine, or would like to know how to successfully sync samples with songs?

Sync is one of the biggest mysteries for novice controllerists, especially those coming from vinyl or CDJs, and Traktor’s sync – while flexible – is not the easiest to understand. So today we have a special guest video post that does a great job of explaining all. Watch the video below…


Peter Morgan is the creator of The DJ Podcast, a video tutorial site for DJs.

Do you struggle with sync? Do you like the way Traktor handles sync, or do you find it too confusing? Please let us know your experiences with the ubiquitous “sync” button in the comments!

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