What Type Of DJ Are You?

Phil Morse | Founder & Tutor
Read time: 4 mins
Last updated 28 May, 2015

So which of these types of DJ best describes you? We're a broad church here at Digital DJ Tips, and we'd love to know where you fit in!
So which of these types of DJ best describes you? We’re a broad church here at Digital DJ Tips, and we’d love to know where you fit in!

Not every reader of this website is the same “type” of DJ. We are lucky enough to work with all types of DJs, and you may be surprised at all the different needs people have when they first discover Digital DJ Tips.

So as a preview to our Digital DJ Masterclass 2015 Event for our members (not a member of Digital DJ Tips yet? Click here to join, and be first to told about this free training), I thought it might be nice to show you the main categories of DJ we have as members of Digital DJ Tips. Where do you fit in?

1. “Curious about DJing”

1. curious You love music, and see people having the times of their lives as DJs, whether that’s just the resident at your local bar or club, or David Guetta! You also see how accessible the gear looks, and you may have already got a DJ program on your phone, iPad or laptop. But you aren’t sure how seriously you take it – how would you know till you’ve had a go? So you quite fancy playing a bit of a DJ set somewhere, maybe a party or making a mixtape to impress your friends… but you’re not really sure how to start.

2. “Serious beginner”

2. seriousYou haven’t got that first decent DJ gig under your belt yet, but you’re sure this is something you want to do. Maybe you’ve been thinking about it for a while (maybe a very long while!), and maybe you’re the kind of person who when they go for something, you really goes for it. Or maybe you’ve finally decided if you don’t do it now, you never will. Whatever the reason, you’re ready to give it your all, you just need the right kickstart to get going…

3. “DJing already, but not digitally”

3. New to digitalWe see fewer of this kind of person now than five years ago, but there are lots still out there. You could be a hobby DJ, or you could be doing this as a career. You may be mobile, corporate, wedding, club. Doesn’t matter: The thing that binds all of you guys to the other DJs in this category is that you are still using CDs or even vinyl, and you know it’s time to switch. Trouble is, you don’t know how to. Alternatively, you’ve made the switch but are having a confidence crisis, and secretly just want to switch back because all the fun has gone! What you’re looking for is a mix of reassurance and specific help with certain problems.

4. “Coming back to DJing after a break”

4. Coming backYou used to DJ on vinyl, before kids, wife, career… Trouble is, so much has changed, the gear, the music, the culture… you feel like you’re out of touch, and that getting DJ gigs now, against all the young guns, is going to have a whole set of challenges unique to you. You secretly know that once you get back into it you’ll be just fine, but right now you feel that age is a burden, not something that gives you an edge thanks to your wisdom and experience. For you, it would be really nice to have someone show you how things are now, if only to remove that excuse!

5. “Singer, musician or producer who wants to learn to DJ”

5. singerWe actually see more and more of this type of person. Maybe you play guitar in a band, or sing with one. Maybe you are a drummer (drummers and DJing go hand in hand, right?). Maybe you’re a wedding entertainer. Whoever you are, you realise that DJing might be a fun (or profitable) extra skill to have, and that you may already have much of what it takes to do to well. Music producers who want to learn to DJ fit in here, too. You need to be shown what’s what so you can get on with it.

6. “Part-time / semi-pro DJ”

6. semi FINALWhether wedding or DJ/producer, corporate or bar resident, you’re already successfully DJing using the hardware, software and music that you’ve chosen, and are really happy with all those choices. You have a network of fans and people who book you, and you get paid for your DJing. It’s not your full-time job, though, and part of you wishes it was, either for a more exciting lifestyle, or just to tell your boss to shove it. All your need is a helping hand taking the next step.

7. “Pro DJ”

7.proThis is your living! You’re making great money. Maybe you’re a DJ/producer, touring to support your back catalogue of productions and “living the dream”. More likely, you run a successful DJ business, with more work that you can handle. Or you’re a well-known club DJ in your town, with multiple residencies and happy rolling with the opportunities. You’re here at Digital DJ Tips to stay up with the game, and share your wisdom with others.

What’s coming for you…

So here’s the exciting news. If you read any of 2 to 6 above and thought “yes, that’s me!”, then we hope you’ll feel very excited about our Digital DJ Masterclass 2015 Event, which is now only a few weeks away. (Not a member of Digital DJ Tips yet? Click here to join and be first to told about this free training.)

Last year over 20,000 DJs took part in this week-long FREE dynamic and interactive training event, with a whole series of valuable online videos, download-and-keep guides, and other resources to help YOU move closer to your DJing goal, whichever category above you fit into.

Just like last year, at the end of the free training series you’ll also be offered the chance to take one of the very limited places (1000 this year) on our flagship annual Digital DJ Masterclass full programme, the best DJ training we offer, designed to help you achieve all the goals outlined above.

So which one are you? Are you on there at all? Or maybe you’re more than one! Or maybe you’ve been more than one at different times. Whatever I’d love you to share in the comments below so we can get an even better picture of where you’re at and why you’re here!

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