Over To You: Best USB Sticks To Use In DJ Media Players?

Phil Morse | Founder & Tutor
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 28 March, 2018

usb drive victorinox
The Swiss Army USB drive has 2 x 8GB drives built in, and is one example of a drive that might be suitable for DJs – but we’re hoping that today, you can help us find some others.

Digital DJ Tips reader Jonathan writes: “I’m a resident at a club called Audio and Digital in Brighton, and like a lot of DJs I’ve switched from CDs to USB (which I consider digital as you are still playing MP3 files). However, there is very little information on which USB or SD cards are best for DJing. It might sound like a no brainer (just buy an expensive USB stick or SD card) but that doesn’t always solve the case. So far I’ve been through five USB sticks in the last year, all being 8GB and costing over £20, be it through spilling alcohol on them, general wear and tear or in one case the damn thing not fitting in the CDJ. Any recommendations for good brands that are reliable and durable?”

Digital DJ Tips says:

As media players and mixers become more and more “digital friendly”, we think the worlds of USB-style DJing and software DJing will continue to blur, and you may even find DJs who have a controller at home and DJ from the same collection via USB when they play out.

But this is nonetheless something we’ve never touched upon. Trouble is, the only USB sticks we have here are low-capacity corporate freebies, and we’ve never bought USBs specifically for DJing – or had one break on us when we have DJed from USB So I’d like to throw this one over to the readers, and see if anyone out there has recommendations for reliable USB sticks or SD cards specifically for DJing.

So – over to you. Can you help? Please post your recommendations in the comments.

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