Pic from: David Rusenko
Digital DJ Tips reader Larry writes: “I just got invited to play my second club gig at a new alternative coffee lounge/club. The club features live indie type bands from mountain music to avant-garde stuff. The owner asked me to do a two-hour set following the band. Really cool kinda alternative real band with electronic elements.
“The owner needs me to keep the dancefloor rocking after their set, until closing. I’m planning on a peak hour-type programming. He specifically said not to play to mainstream! Any suggestions on how to approach this gig?”
Digital DJ Tips says:
Firstly, go to the venue on a similar night. Or better, go on a few nights. What tunes (either on the jukebox, or by bands, or other DJs) work with their crowd? Get a feel for it – get some initial ideas this way rather than just guessing.
Next, know that keeping a dancefloor busy after a band is sometimes a tall order – don’t be disheartened if you can’t, and be ready with “plan B” music if they just want to hang and drink.
Finally, you’re going to be led by the crowd, not the owner. I can pretty much assure you that if you keep things busy and the bar tills ringing, he won’t criticise your music choice!
I actually used to do exactly this kind of gig myself and I loved the freedom it gave me, but I’m also interested to hear what our readers have to say, and to see if they can add to my advice.
So – over to you! Can you offer some more advice to Larry? Do you play before / during / after live bands? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.