Tell Us Your DJing Goal For 2017

Phil Morse | Founder & Tutor
Read time: 2 mins
Last updated 11 April, 2018

Whether it’s mastering a new piece of gear, getting the first decent mixtape out of the door, or launching your own DJ business; setting a goal is an important part of, y’know, reaching it! Share yours for 2017 below…

Every year we ask you to share your DJing goal for the next 12 months with us. This year is no different – we’d like each and every Digital DJ Tips member reading this to hit “Reply” at the bottom of this post, and let us know the one biggest thing you want to achieve in your DJing this year.

It could be getting your first paid gig, or making your first tune, or making a mixtape you’re proud of, or learning a new skill, or learning to manually beatmatch, or setting up your own DJ business, or mastering DJing in a new style or for a new type of crowd, or learning to DJ on CDJs, or finally organising your music collection properly… whatever it is, share it!

This has some major benefits for you:

  1. It forces you to think about what you really want to achieve this year – Looking back over 2017 this time next year, what has to have changed for you to feel the year has been a successful one in your DJing? Whatever it is, that’s what you should write down!
  2. It makes you accountable – You are telling your fellow DJs and us what you are aiming towards. If you manage it, you can come back and say “yup, I did it!” If you don’t, it’s there in black and white
  3. It lets you compare your ambition for the year with other members of the community – You can see that what you’re aiming at is realistic, worthwhile, exciting, common, unusual… whatever! By reading your goal alongside everyone else’s, you’ll get a sense of where you “fit in” with what other members are aiming to achieve.


I am sure you’ve heard “S.M.A.R.T.” before: It’s the best way to set goals. Your goal should be S (specific), M (measurable), A (accountable), R (realistic) and T (timed). Because we’re asking you to set a goal for one year, and tell us, it is already accountable and timed, so just make sure what you write is specific, measurable and realistic.

So go ahead! Post your DJing goal for 2017 below. We can’t wait to see what you’re lining up to do…

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