Big Announcement: The Digital DJ Tips Book Is Coming…

Joey Santos
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 19 July, 2016

Containing sections on gear, music, techniques, performing and promoting yourself, the new Digital DJ Tips book is a complete, up-to-date guide to DJing today.

Heads up: We’re proud to announce the forthcoming Digital DJ Tips book, Rock The Dancefloor! The Proven Five-Step Formula For Total DJing Success. Containing the best of our teaching around DJ gear, music, techniques, performing and promoting yourself, this exciting new book is released this autumn, at the BPM Show in England.

In the video featured here, our founder Phil Morse explains what the book is about and who it’s for. The book will be available in all good bookshops, to order worldwide via Amazon, and electronically on the Kindle store. Watch this space for more launch info…

Video announcement

Looking forward to getting your hands on the book? Been waiting for Digital DJ Tips to finally hit the bookstores? Will you be buying a copy? Let us know below…

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