Discogs Goes Mobile

Joey Santos
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 4 August, 2017

Main Image Discogs
Discogs is the largest online catalogue of recorded music, and you can now search it and view your collection using your iOS device.

Discogs – a long-running website that’s basically the Wikipedia of singles and album releases – just released its iOS app, which as well as letting you scour the huge user-generated Discogs database, also lets collectors view their own collection of music that they’ve uploaded to the database. Users can also add their physical albums through the app’s barcode scanner, which uses your iOS device’s camera.

We’ve always been fans of Discogs, ever since the vinyl days. It’s an awesome place to research the history of music releases over the decades, and discover new music or versions of songs that you never knew existed. It’s also handy for searching proper album artwork and years of release for your MP3 tags. The feature for tracking your physical music collection would potentially be useful for DJs who still have such a thing, too.

Whether you’re fully into digital music or you still buy physical releases from time to time, Discogs is a fascinating living document of recorded music, and well worth a little while exploring, especially as you can now do so on your mobile device.

• Discogs is now available as a free download on the App Store. Visit the Discogs website for more details.

Do you still own a physical music collection? Do you use Discogs to catalogue it? Or have you made the full transition to digital music and streaming? Let us know below.

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